Sunday, July 28, 2024



October 2014. My knee started hurting, then my thigh, then my back; I forgot to just ask for wisdom from the Lord on what it was and what to do to make it go away. I took ibuprophen and was handling it myself. The pain subsided somewhat, but it wasn’t going away. I persevered on my own for about two weeks and it was wearing me down. I finally woke up spiritually and ask the Lord for wisdom. The message I got was to ask my roommate, Jane, to pray with me for the answer, so that’s what we did. The next day I went off to work like every other day. Only this day I got the revelation of what was causing my pain and the wisdom from God on how to get rid of it.


I sat down on the floor to touch up another baseboard in one of the penthouse rooms of a Las Vegas Strip hotel. Then as I crawled along to the next spot, I got the news flash from the Lord! I was sitting in a scrunched down position with both legs tucked under me to the side and I was bent over. I put my legs on the other side and the same exact pinch happened on the other side and I realized I’d been sitting and crawling in this position for about two weeks, 7 hours a day. No wonder I was having pinches and pain. I made a conscious effort to change how I was positioning myself and the pain dissipated and in a day or so, the pain was gone.


Just because you don’t have an instant miracle of healing, doesn’t mean God’s not healing you. He’s given us many ways to get pain free and to get healed up.


There’s much to learn about healing but whenever we get sick there is always one thing we should do first and that’s take it to the Lord in prayer, and ask for wisdom. Ask Him: “Should I go to the doctor? Ask someone to pray for me? Drink more water and take a couple aspirin? What should I do, Lord?”


We ask for His wisdom on what to do to get healed. God wants us to be healthy, so He’s glad to give us His wisdom.


In Proverbs 4:7, God tells us: “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.”


In the Old Testament, when God asked King Soloman what he wanted most, Soloman said he wanted wisdom. “And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore” (1 Kings 4:29).

In the New Testament, James 3:17 tells us more about God’s kind of wisdom:


James 3:17 says: “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”


Did you see that? The Lord is saying that His wisdom is “EASY to be entreated.” God did NOT make it hard, nor did he make it only for special people, but for all of us who are born again of His spirit.


I keep a small copy of this painting by Zurbaran above my desk where I take care of a lot of my day-to-day affairs—bills, research folders, medical stuff, etc. I think it’s a great representation of how the Holy Spirit (represented by the dove) gets someone’s attention to focus upward on the spiritual and get wisdom from God for the everyday stuff.


So how does this wisdom come? Unlike Zurbaran, we don’t always, or maybe never, get a vision of a dove, but we do get the Lord’s wisdom in the same way natural wisdom comes to us—by the senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, or a combination of any of these, which sometimes exhibits as a sense of knowing. The big difference is that the spiritual senses are not in the natural, but in the spiritual realm, affecting the natural. But as with the natural senses, we need to pay attention to what our senses are registering, study them, focus on them, and test them, so that we become more expert in the messages they’re presenting to us.


How about us taking just one of the five senses this week to focus on and find out what we can learn. Touch, smell, taste, see, and hear. Which one do you choose?


Love, Carolyn


Check out Amazon to see what other TRUE LIFE STORIES I have available. They all deal with APPLYING BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES TO OUR EVERYDAY LIVES.


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