Sunday, February 21, 2016


My friend and co-worker, Doug Peters, passed away this week. This article is dedicated to his memory.  

In 2012 I wrote a chapter in my WINGS book about Father’s Day and Dougie’s love for his son so impressed me that I used his story as the introductory example in the chapter. This is what I wrote:

“I wondered what would be the best gift a son or daughter could give to a father. Then I remembered one of the guys at work, [Doug Peters], talking about his son playing little league baseball. Dougie [as we called him] said that almost every day after work they’d go out and practice throwing and catching. His son was the third baseman, but he wanted to be the pitcher. Doug gave his son some pointers; his son watched and then followed his dad’s instructions and they began pitching practice.

“The boy didn’t start off great but he got better and better and then the little league coach let him start pitching in the games. Dougie was so proud. From that I learned that one of the best gifts a son could give his father is to listen, learn and be successful at what his father taught him. I think that’s true for our relationship with God as our Heavenly Father too.”

Doug was always talking about his son’s baseball games and when not talking about his son, he talked about his daughter’s volleyball team. He really loved those kids. Whenever there was a holiday, he’d be planning a family camping trip.

At work, Dougie was one of those people who really cared about how the final finish looked. He wanted it to look really good. He always did his best, no matter what. Dougie was dedicated to doing a great job when others were satisfied with “good enough.” I was always so impressed by his consistent good attitude about work.

Doug had a beautiful heart and will be sorely missed by so many. I pray and believe that all that grieved him in this life is now over and the things that made his heart ache so badly have been replaced by the love in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ, his savior.

The Bible says about those who die and have believed in His son Jesus, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Rev 21:4).

What a great hope we have.

Love, Carolyn

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