Sunday, June 2, 2024



Have you ever wondered why most churches do not pay taxes? Jesus was in favor of paying taxes. He sent Peter down to the lake to get the tax money. Jesus told him: “Go to the sea and throw in a hook, and take the first fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth, you will find a shekel. Take it and give it to them [to pay the temple tax] for you and me” (Matt. 17:27 AMP). The tax-exempt status of churches has a shady beginning. It’s been around for 70 years now. I would venture to say most churches today don’t even know how it began and definitely don’t realize the extent of the curse this seemingly innocent alliance continues to bring into their churches. But it’s time to open blind eyes and break free.


In 1954, Lyndon Johnson was a senator for the United States. He was a 33rd-degree mason under the influence of the Illuminati. The most formidable enemy to their plans for America would have been the church. To confront this, they enacted the availability for churches to incorporate into what’s called 501c3 status, also called the Johnson Act. It allowed the church tax-exempt status and other benefits in exchange for keeping their mouths shut about what was going on, especially in the political and social arena. In other words, it was a bribe, and the church took it.


Since this Johnson Act has been in play, many things have happened in America that could have been avoided. One example was in 1963 or ’64, when the government took prayer out of school. The church kept silent because they didn’t want to lose their tax-exempt status. Just because the church had more money to do good things with, because it didn’t have to pay taxes, doesn’t make it right. God is not for sale, and we must put a stop to the consequences of a law enacted and ratified with a bribe.


Like I said, most church leaders probably don’t even realize the seriousness of what they entered into when signing this contract, and it takes legal action to get out of it. But it is totally doable, and I pray that if you are a church leader, you start the process as soon as possible. (At the end of this article, I put a link where you can get help with the process.) What started as a bribe still affects good Christian people in the church, without us even knowing why.


The Bible has some strong things to say about taking a bribe. Ecclesiastes 7:7 tells us: “A bribe destroyeth the heart” (KJ21). I looked up the Hebrew word translated “heart” in this verse. It means “the innermost part, the soul of man, his mind, knowledge, thinking, memory, will, conscience, moral character, resolution, determination, understanding, and care.” If something can destroy what we care about, that’s bad!


Then I looked up the word for “destroy.” It means: “to go astray, be exterminated, vanished, or lost.” A bribe in the church can cause good people’s moral character to stray, their understanding lost, their resolution and determination exterminated. No wonder so many Christians have become apathetic regarding issues that concerned Jesus and should be concerning us as well.


Deuteronomy 16:19 says: “Neither take a bribe; for a bribe doth blind the eyes of the wise and pervert the words of the righteous.” Good people are twisting some of the basic principles of the Bible and compromising on truth. They’re not able to get accurate revelation from the Lord because it’s being filtered through perverted thinking patterns and, oftentimes, unknowingly.


Ephesians 6:12 says: “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”


The rulers of the darkness of this world would love for the churches to continue to think that the tax-exempt status is a great thing because it provides for so much more money to do God’s will. But because of the gag order that goes along with it, the adversary has been way more powerful than he should be. He has deceived good churches and good church people into apathy.


The “darkness” in this verse is translated from the Greek word “skotos.” It means “blindness, where the soul has lost its perceptive powers.” That’s putting the church right where Satan wants it. By tricking churches into taking this Johnson Act bribe, the devil has put a veil on many people’s way of thinking and their perceptions are erroneous. We want to be able to perceive the things of life with a clear conscience, not tainted by association with sin.  


God can no longer put up with this. He wants us sharp, vital, involved, and making the truth matter. He wants us to make a positive, Christ-inspired impact on our country and world. While the churches are legally still under the influence of a bribe, we cannot do this to the full extent of what God desires.


Seventy years of a pack with evil is just too much! God has revealed it to us now because He loves us and trusts us so that we can be bold enough to stop the trend. If you are a church member, please talk to your church leaders to rise up to the boldness it will take to be free and pray for them. And if you are a pastor or church leader yourself, please consider my words and take steps into this new freedom for yourselves, your people, and the Lord’s sake. Here is one of the links to where you can get info on dissolving a 501c3 pact


Some of us believe that the IRS in the USA will soon be eliminated, which means many business practices will change, so some churches may decide to wait to see what new changes come about. Either way, all of us need to recognize that putting a church group under the restrictions of a 501c3 man-made law that dictates what a church leader can and cannot speak about, is not ok with God. The tax-free perk is not worth having to compromise on God’s Word at the whim of a government official.


We must repent of this 501c3 contract, whether or not we knew how the tax-exempt bribe took place. Jesus Christ is the only head of the body of Christ, and we cannot let any bribe with the government take his place.


Love, Carolyn



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