Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Beneath the Veil no.18 Bad Blood

What would make three brothers kidnap three girls, lock them up in ropes and chains, and torture them for ten years?

The devil and bad blood, that’s what. When Adam sinned and turned his back on God, the bloodline of all mankind was affected. The tendency toward sin literally got into his blood and was passed from generation to generation. It’s hard to imagine some of the horrible things we hear about. Many of these evils come about because of generational curses. There are lots of different kinds of generational curses, some more notorious than others. There is a way we can recognize them.

Recognizing a generational curse is the first step to deliverance from it. Deuteronomy 28:15-49 lists many of the generational curses that are still in existence to this day. When reading the Bible we can see certain bad thinking and bad habits passed from father to son, mother to daughter, etc. Sometimes you’ll see that a curse skips a generation and comes roaring back to a grandchild. The book of Judges is full of this kind of thing.

In our own times we see molested children sometimes becoming the molesters when they get older. We see children of alcoholic parents becoming alcoholics themselves. Other examples of generational curses are stealing, uncontrollable lying, drug abuse, eating disorders, other addictions, irrational fears, inexplicable early deaths, mental problems, just to name a few.

But every evil can be overcome. God made a way to supernaturally cleanse bad blood.

The answer is Jesus. Because He shed His perfect blood, we receive redemption when we accept Him into our hearts. Our spiritual blood flow is without the curses that came before. It is up to us to accept it. We have to get strong against the devil’s forces that want us to accept our lives with all the bad we seem to be stuck with.

But we’re not stuck with it; God sent Jesus as a savior for us. He can supernaturally wipe away all generational curses. We have to first read God’s Word to convince ourselves, and then tell the devil and his evil forces what we now believe to be the truth, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse.” And we are “a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Love, Carolyn


  1. I encourage you to listen to Jim Martin's teaching on Generational curses, as they are not as they seem... it can be found here http://www.jmmgrace.com/teachings5.html

    I used to believe in them but God led me to the truth regarding them and how to overcome what seems to be a "curse" :)
