Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Beneath the Veil no.5 The Gifts Clarification E-mail

I was so glad to get an e-mail from a friend who had some questions about my last article on gifts. It made me realize I needed to do a better job of clarifying some things I’d written. This was my reply:

“I called these characteristics gifts, but maybe that's not the best word to use. They are abilities, long suits, talents, anointings, qualities, things that people excel in. You've seen waiters or waitresses that just thrive and are super good and absolutely love what they do, and others in certain areas of life where you say to yourself, ‘They need to get out of this business. They're not cut out for this at all!’ That's what I'm talking about. Like the story that I sent out - The Salad Maker - she loves to have people over to her house. She has a special ‘gift’ for making the person feel at home, relaxed, taken care of, etc. But she is NOT a pastor-type person. She doesn't want to counsel them at all. She doesn't want to hear their problems. She just provides a great environment for them. Me, well I don't have that hospitality thing at all. Thinking that people are coming over even makes me nervous - weird, huh?

People's ‘gifts’ are not only the specific gift ministries of
apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers listed in Ephesians 4:11, but also things like hospitality, mercy, administration, prayer and intercession, music/praise and worship, wisdom, discerning of spirits, craftsmanship, marketplace ministries, healing, miracles, giving aid to people in distress, encouragement, helps and services, the ability to be a good leader, deliverance and much more—all found in the scriptures. For instance, if you’ve ever watched Billye Brim you can easily see that she excels in teaching. Teachers instruct. They have the ability to grasp truth and concepts, arrange them in a pattern and present them with simplicity and clarity. 
I would think that if you do the evaluation, one of your top three long suits would definitely be Music. But you would also find other talents that maybe dove-tail into the music or how the music is connected in a specific way to something else.

PS: We watched the first four days of Billye Brim with Gloria Copeland on the internet and WOW - she's totally getting into the book of Revelation. That's another specialty. I heard Ken Copeland say he wasn't led in that direction at all when it comes to what God has him teach. He said he leaves that Revelation book to others who have a real anointing in understanding and teaching that particular subject.  

Well, I hope that helps a little. Love you, Carolyn”

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