Sunday, September 3, 2017


My dad used to chuckle, “I’m losing it.” He used that phrase way too often and in the next six years sadly he did lose it. His creative, sharp mind took a downhill turn and succumbed into a dementia he never quite recovered from. Did it really have to do with the words he spoke? Both scientifically and Biblically the answer is unfortunately, yes. A lot of scientific research has been done to test the results of the phrases we speak. “Words have power. Most people speak words that increase body stress and turn the body’s pH from alkaline to acidic. Words can change the way we think and feel.  Researchers have concluded that speaking the correct form of words and thinking the correct thoughts actually can change a person’s DNA.”  (Kevin Trudeau, Natural Cures 2004).

An experiment was done by the Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto, where different words and phrases were spoken to water crystals, which were then photographed. Harsh and mean words made the molecules look very different from the molecules that received gentler words. The water molecules in this experiment responded to words, and so do the water molecules in our own bodies. Children’s bodies are about 75% water and adults about 60%. We are affecting those molecules with our words.

Our brains are created to respond to the things we say. But we confuse it when we say something like: “God did an amazing miracle for me yesterday!” And then we follow it with: “It was unbelievable!” We’ve just said it was great and then negated it with saying, we don’t believe it. Then our brain doesn’t really know if it should trust our words, or not. Sometimes we mean what we say, and sometimes we mean the opposite – very confusing.

It’s so much better and clearer, if we try to always say what is true and use the words that confirm that we mean exactly what we say.

The Bible states many things about the words we speak. For instance: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21). If we will believe the truth of that one verse, we will be inspired to start listening to what’s coming out of our mouths—are we speaking life or death? When we are cognizant of what we are actually saying, we can, with the Lord’s help, let our speaking be more deliberate and purposeful.

Another great verse is: “Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth” (Prov. 6:2). Obviously, God wants us to know that what comes out of our mouth is important and not to be taken lightly. It’s not that we have to be stanch and strict and oh so serious all the time. There is a place for fun and joyfulness in our talk too.

We need to take a checkup from the neck down to see if our hearts are right with God, then take a checkup from the neck up to see if our speech is matching a clean and righteous heart.

“A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul” (Prov. 18:7). We don’t want to be fools.

It’s not beneficial to be frivolous either, saying: “Oh, I didn’t really mean it.” If we continue saying things like: “It blew my mind,” or “My foot is killing me,” or “It scares me to death,” or “It was unbelievable,” our brain will accommodate those words and the words make actual grooves and nerve connections. Our brain then sends those signals to different elements in our body and our body begins to respond accordingly.

Speaking something, puts it in motion. And the more often we speak it, the more likely things happen around us to bring it to pass. It’s one of those laws of life, just like the law of gravity: If you drop it, it’s going to fall.

Let’s stop dropping “word bombs” on ourselves and especially on our children and those we love. I’ve seen the sad and awful results too many times. So, I’m asking you to please consider what you’re saying.

Ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware of phrases you need to get rid of. Also ask family members or friends to help you. I know it’s not easy, and it’s especially not fun to have people correcting you about the words you speak. Frankly, it gets annoying!

But if we will make the changes in our speech, it won’t be long before we notice the changes in our bodies, our emotions and our minds. We will be healthier and our lives happier.

Love, Carolyn


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