Wednesday, May 19, 2021




How does a 3-dimensional printer work? It takes a digital file with all kinds of numbers and coordinates and from that information, it makes a physical object. That’s similar to how faith works. Faith takes a God-given idea and brings it into the physical world. How is it that you can make a call from Las Vegas to a friend in Hawaii, and you can communicate in words as if you were right there in the exact same space and time frame? Or what about a Zoom meeting? Think about it. It’s like you are in two places at the same time—kind of similar to the way our Lord Jesus has always been able to be in two or more places at the same time.


We need to pay attention to what we are guided to learn in the physical realm. God will use it to open portals of understanding from heaven—to connect the dots, to use what you know in the physical realm, to teach you the spiritual.


Learn much. Observe it. Hold it. Understand it. The things we take the time to study and grasp in the natural will help us to comprehend the spiritual.


Romans 1: 20 tells us: “For the invisible things of him [God] from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.” Let’s get better acquainted with some of the things that have been made by men, as well as concepts and things that were created by God in the first place. We need to stay awake and alert with a curious mind.


God created ants, and anyone who has watched ants, knows they are not lazy creatures. God uses a person’s knowledge of ants to make a point.


“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.


“How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard: when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?” (Prov. 6: 6-9).


In this passage, God tells us about the habits of ants, but there are many passages in the scriptures that can be better understood and easier to apply, if we know something about the physical thing God is talking about.


We’ll only know everything God’s got in the Bible when we go to heaven, but for now, we can keep our ears and eyes open to what things and concepts the Lord has put right in front of us.


For instance, it’s kind of slow right now at work, so I’ve taken the opportunity to learn a few things from Chris, the finish carpenter I work with.


Jesus learned carpentry and there’s a reason God has that in the Bible. One thing I’ve learned from Chris is that there are specifically designed tools for different tasks. That seems logical enough, but I never really thought about it until I started paying attention and asking some questions. Then I started thinking about what Jesus would have learned at a young age in the trade, such as the importance of keeping things straight, using the right tools for the right project, measuring things twice and cutting once, and so much more.


Let’s keep our hearts open to what the Lord is magnifying in the physical, then see how He connects the dots to a more spiritual understanding of Him and the world we live in.


Love, Carolyn

See my publications on Amazon: Great keys to living a Christian life every day.


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