Sunday, May 1, 2022



I was doing some touch-ups in the high roller rooms at a local hotel. My knee started hurting, then my thigh, then my back. I forgot to ask for wisdom from the Lord on what it was and what to do to make it disappear. I took ibuprofen and was handling it myself. The pain subsided somewhat, but it wasn’t going away. I persevered on my own for about two weeks, and it was wearing me down. I finally woke up spiritually, took it to the Lord, and asked my roommate Jane to pray for me. I went off to work like every other day. Only this day, I got the revelation of what was causing my pain and the revelation of how to get rid of it.


As I sat down on the floor to patch and touch up the baseboard and then crawled along to the next spot, I got the news flash from the Lord – I was sitting in a scrunched down position with both legs tucked under me to the side, and I was bent over. When I put my legs on the other side, and the same exact pinch happened on the other side, I realized I’d been sitting and crawling in this position for about two weeks, 7 hours a day. No wonder I was having pinches and pain. I made a conscious effort to change how I positioned myself, and the pain dissipated and went away.


A similar thing happened another time, with my hands. I was feeling pain in some of the joints on my fingers. I thought, “Oh no, am I getting arthritis?” I would exercise them after work and in the morning, but the pain continued. I prayed, but my hands didn’t get better. Why not?


There is one super vital thing we must do at the beginning of any prayer: ask for the Lord’s wisdom in the situation. I just bolted for the healing, but the Lord heals and delivers in various ways, so it’s important to get His wisdom first in any healing situation. I was praying “amiss” like it says in James 4:3: Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss.” If I had asked the Lord first for wisdom, He would have given me the answer.


And many months later, even after the project was long gone, when I still had pain, God told me that the source of my pain was the project I was working on, where I was handling hundreds of thin metal pieces, flipping them back and forth to paint both sides. It was crimping my fingers. I had initially thought of this, but when the pain lasted for several months after the project, I sunk back into thinking arthritis. Arthritis is a demon, and I sure didn’t want that! And finally, I asked God for an answer to my dilemma, and when He told me that it was just due to the project and I needed to wait only a little bit longer, it was only days before the pain totally disappeared.


Just because we don’t get an instant miracle of healing doesn’t mean God’s not going to heal us. He’s given us many ways to get pain-free and healed up and delivered.


God designed our bodies to heal themselves. And if we take care of our bodies, natural healing comes faster.


Also, I’ve learned that certain sicknesses and diseases and demons need specific environments to thrive in, so changing our body’s territory on the inside will cause the disease to die or the destructive evil spirit to leave.


There’s much to learn about healing, but whenever we get sick, we should first take it to the Lord in prayer and ask for His wisdom. You can ask Him, “Should I go to the doctor? Should I ask someone to pray for me? Do I need to drink more water and take a couple of aspirin?” We can ask all these questions and more, and He will answer, as long as the vital inquiry is directed at Him, “Please give me your wisdom, Lord, what should I do?”


We ask for His wisdom on what to do to get healed. God wants us to be healthy, so He’s glad to give us His wisdom.


James 3:17 says: “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.” And James 4:2 says: “Ye have not, because ye ask not.” So we need to ask.


If we’re unsure about hearing from the Lord or what we think He answered, then we can ask a trusted Christian friend to corroborate or pray with us.


God says of Himself: “I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Ex. 15:27).


Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people” (Matt. 9:35). And Jesus lives today: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Heb. 13:8).


God’s will for us is a healthy body and a sound mind. Either could come through an instant miracle, a longer miraculous process, a doctor, a prescription, a dietary plan, or just practical common-sense wisdom like changing a position on the floor like I had to do, or waiting for a finger-pinching project to end.


God always makes a way for us to live at our best. And when we want healing, it all starts with asking for His wisdom.


Love, Carolyn


Check out Amazon to see what other true-life stories I have available. They all deal with applying Biblical principles to our everyday lives. Here’s the link:  


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