Sunday, June 25, 2023



This morning I realized I was in one of those in-between stages. A few weeks ago, when I started reading Jonathan Cahn’s book, RETURN OF THE GODS, the Lord inspired me to do a write-up on the book so that people could see some of the amazing things Cahn put together on the demons who have attacked, infiltrated and, in many cases began to dominate our current culture and lives. So last week I did that. It was quite a bit of effort but well worth it. It was one of those things that when God wants it done, there’s an urgency to it that you just cannot ignore, and you have to go full speed ahead until you’re done. So I finished my write-up, and now what?


There are so many things I want to do: start working on a painting, clean up the patio, paint the wall where I just finished a stucco patch, draw, get back to working on volume 2 of my BIBLE LESSONS FROM NATURE series, finish up the update on my trust, finish the Hemingway book I’m reading now, etc., etc. But when I started telling Jane about all those things, I realized I needed to just stop for a minute. What does the Lord want me to do this week?


Then I realized that it wasn’t up to me to prioritize the tasks for this week, but rather, up to the Lord. Letting the Lord lead me is the only way to ease up the scramble of so many tasks and so little time. When I thought about it, I instantly felt at ease. I know that since I give it to Jesus, it will be easy, and I will be doing the right things at the right time.


You probably know that about a month ago, I started claiming 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and every day when Jane and I pray, I tell God that we’re giving Him our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirit. It’s becoming a fundamental part of me, and the truth of what’s in my heart now manifests in my daily life.


There are two other scriptures we pray about letting the Lord lead us. One is where God tells Joshua: “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you” (Josh. 1:3). I take that as Him giving me the path before I take it. It’s not about my desire, but about His. And Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”


So, seeing where He leads me this week will be exciting, and I don’t have to be anxious about it or worry at all.


I put out a preach letter many years ago and I loved the photo I found to go with it. The donkey is pulling a cart and has so many packages piled up in the cart that the cart falls to the ground, and the donkey is up in the air. That’s how we get when we stress over all the stuff we want to do. It’s not bad that we know what we’d like to do, but it’s definitely not God’s will that we get so overburdened that we’re up in the air, thinking, thinking, stressing, and getting nothing done! Like I tell people, hearing the Lord’s voice takes practice. We need to ask Him what’s the first thing we should do, and do it. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. You’ll get to know Him. It’s fun and the most satisfying thing ever. You’ll see.


Love, Carolyn


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