Wednesday, January 30, 2013



My roommate’s sister is famous for her salads, “on a platter, never in a bowl,” she proudly explains. Whenever she has guests they are welcomed to a warm and cozy atmosphere. They’re made to feel at home and treated to one of her renowned platter salads. Anyone who’s been there (and they come from distances of over 300 miles) can hardly wait to go back.

This friend doesn’t go to church and doesn’t read much of the Bible. She mostly talks to God on her daily walks in the woods by her house. Not the “typical” Christian. But God has called each and every person, believer and unbeliever. Each has unique gifts and unique talents to contribute to mankind. When our friend took the evaluation from last Sunday’s post, one of her top three gifts was “hospitality!” Go figure.
Humpback whales travel about 3000 miles each year to have their babies in the warm waters around Hawaii and then go back up to the rich feeding waters of Alaska. Loggerhead turtles born in Japan migrate almost 8,000 miles to the rich waters off Baja to feed and mature. Once they have reached sexual maturity, they migrate back to Japan to breed and nest. Scientists don’t really know how they can find their way. They say it may have something to do with the magnetic pull of the earth.
The Holy Spirit is like that magnet.  It pulls each person toward what God already knows we will love doing. God is pulling us to excel in our special gifts. Yield to it and we can be happy as a clam, or should I say, as a humpback whale?

Take the evaluation I mentioned in last Sunday’s blog and find out what your unique gifts are. Any more salad makers out there?

Love, Carolyn

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